Pay and submit citations



This service allows you to submit and pay eligible citations that you have received within the last 40 days, which have not been sent to the court.

Reminder: Please ensure that any submitted citations are payable to the Colorado Department of Revenue. All summons and municipal court citations are not payable through the Colorado Department of Revenue

Estimated Time: 5 minutes

Take Note: All payment transactions for citations are reviewed manually, therefore any discrepancies or missing documentation could result in the citation not being paid in the desired timeframe.


For individuals 18 years or older at the time of stop, no additional documentation is needed.

For individuals who were under the age of 18 at the time of stop, in order to submit and/or pay a citation, the citation must either be signed and notarized OR a filled out copy of the DR2334 form is required. The form can be found here:

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